Friday, July 23, 2010

Some new news and my rant on Mel Gibson

My sinuses are probably behind my tirade which will commence shortly, but first let's go with the pleasant news!

I will be penning a nice little "blogette" (vignette?) about the upcoming Paul Macca concert here in NC next Wednesday, which I look forward to! However, I'll be traveling to upstate New York the day after and will be there probably until the end of the first week of August, as my husband and I continue to settle the affairs of my late mother-in-law, Ellen. There will be plenty of picture scanning (as in digitally), paper work, and visiting with my family. /waaahhh, you might say...what about our McCartney review? But do not fret, my countrymen! Emily has a new laptop for her upcoming Grad school adventures which she will take with her up to New York! She'll write it up there, see? ;-) Ha.

Now on to Mel Gibson. I'm going to make all of this short, sweet and to the point, because I need to get all of this out of my head. It's making me nervous. Or maybe it's the pollen...

I made the mistake of actually listening to those tapes on YouTube several days ago. The next night, I dreamt that I was married to Gibson (ewww), I was holding a baby in my arms and I was running away from him, frightened, as people helped me hide from him. I felt very vulnerable and hurt, so I guess his words left an impression.Now, whenever I see his face, I get kinda edgy. Do I have an over-active imagination? Yes, I always have, but that isn't the point here.

Like many other people of faith, I was swindled by Gibson into thinking he was a lovely Catholic guy, standing up for his beliefs. Then there was all the riff-raff over the film, which perked my ears up. Then his comments. Then his violence. Then his drinking. All of that put together pretty much did it for me, on the first note. I enjoyed his directing and his films, obviously "Braveheart", "Forever Young", and the historically inaccurate yet endearingly lovable because it was literally shot in my back yard - "The Patriot". So, for a while, Mel-tdown Gibson seemed a-ok to all of us. He represented a tiny part of Hollywood that cared about something, even if only, in reality, a superficial way, but at least he didn't think twice about saying it out loud. That lasted all of about 2 seconds. Oh well. (Watch "The Gospel of John" instead. Less violence, more scripture. Or King of Kings - who cares if he has blue eyes or that Mary is Irish! ;) It's the best!).

What I'm getting at is how eroded this guy's soul is now. Listen to him, to his voice. He did all of this to himself: adultery, battery, everything. It's an unsurprising, yet terrible shame. I had the option of listening to the commentary on my Special Edition Braveheart DVD. Now the thought of hearing his voice makes me want to vomit. Mel Gibson, you scare me. Go away! 8( I'm feeling much better. 8) So don't worry, after this, I will now go back to commenting on the things I promised a few months ago: British culture and the like.

Love to All My Countrymen,

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