Why, hello there!
Yes, I know I've been missing for several months straight. I got married. I was planning a wedding for most of the spring and then married my soul mate and life parter (well, he is now anyway! ;-) ), my sweetheart: David Williams. I also went to Boston for my Honeymoon, which was a blast and I will be posting pictures from both events very, very soon. However! I've missed blogging and whilst missing it, I believe I learned an important lesson. I'm going to follow the general example of my good friend Adam Morgan, who has decided to leave his Southern breathen and get his MFA in Creative Writing in Chicago. His blog, Adam Morgan Online, incorporates all his interests into one place. I think I'll try this concept to see what happens, as well as follow the concepts of other blogs I've noticed, so expect more stuff than just symphony, opera schmooze. 8)
Now, in the spirit of that variety, read this. I should mention before you read this that for the past few years, I've had a growing interest in organic food and general health. Not in a Los Angeles, Liberal Latte, Pilates, my-body-is-a-temple-therefore-I-worship kind of way. I guess the knowlege that putting high fructose corn syrup ("The Devil's Condiment", as David calls it) in my earthly self might cause bad things to happen made me rethink what I was eating. I also lost 15 pounds, but who cares. I had a right to. I was preparing for Bridalhood! ;-P
But the article addresses two of my recent issues: high gas and food prices and organic produce. Take a look and decide for yourself.
More shall come soon. I'm seeing Avenue Q in a week or so and I have many other things to discuss, so check back.
And let me know what you think of the wedding pic. ;-) Gracias!
Piú giú, in fondo alla Tuscolana...!?...passavo per un saluto!
Gratzi! 8)
Hey Emily! I just found your blog through Facebook. I'm going to go see Avenue Q in Greenville, SC with my sister tomorrow! I'm completely stoked! I look forward to reading more of your bloggings. :-)
Tokyo/Mary! ;-) I'm glad you're reading my blog, it was so obscure for so long...now finally someone's reading it, lol.
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