Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's been a here's part of Season 1, Episode 3 of "How to be Britsh at Home"

So sorry! I'll be back on my regular blogging schedule very shortly. For now, here's the latest Anglophile news:

1. Many kudos to Anglotopia for posting a major listing of all British-themed stores in the US. I found one selling UK food about 30 minutes from my house. Bless you, Jonathan Thomas!

2. New London neighborhood-themed chocolate bars. I never visited any of these parts of London when I visited there back in 2011, mostly because of a lack of time, but I wish I had! Perhaps next time.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

I'll cut to the chase. I've listed all the ways I keep happy in America whilst yearning and lusting after England. Here's some more ways to pacify oneself!

1. Learn to dance the in old English style. Try Contra Dancing: this is a hybrid of English Country Dancing (think Austen) and country American Square Dancing. Maybe a bit of Irish thrown in for good measure. This is particularly popular in the South East United States and it keeps you fit and trim along with keeping a smile plastered to your face while you dance. ;-) Look up your own chapter/Contra dance community in your area. Mine is here.

2. When all else fails, revert back to your 5 year old self and play pretend. This will be easier if you live somewhere that has a countryside that, in the right kind of weather/lighting, can look like Britain.. I live in North Carolina, which has plenty of forests, farms and rolling foothills to stand in as a backdrop to one's flights of fancy about the Isles. Find a nice spot on a back road somewhere, breathe in, play some Celtic tunes in your car. Live in your imagination for a while and stay there until you're ready to come out. No, I'm not insane. I'm a writer. Our breed must utilize our imaginations in order to keep our craft fresh...and to stay, well, sane. ;-)

So there you have it. I'll post some more silliness and somber sayings later on. Cheers for now!