Hi folks,
I've updated the layout of the Well
Penn'd Post, if only to make it less Barbie Pink and more, um, white. Essentially, to make it far more readable.
Also, I'm going to begin focusing more on my hobbies (books, history, research, journalism, American and British politics, Biblical archaeology, European culture and current events) and fascinations (Anglo-
philian rapturous delights, poetry, higher education, genealogy, military history and more of
England) and less on the Charlotte cultural arts scene in this blog. As of February, I have been demoted from Editor-In-Chief at Charlotte
ViewPoint and I became a simple staff writer. But the main reason for this shift is due to the changing economic tide. What do I mean?
Charlotte's cultural life is dead. The Mint Museum hasn't had an exhibition worth seeing for the past 3 years or so. Theater companies are being 86'd left and right, and budget cuts mean less
extravagant opera productions and events. My best friend, the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, had to practically beg the city to lend them a hand so they didn't have to collapse altogether. Thanks to the Levine's, the
CSO prevailed. Admittedly, I'm disappointed in
CLT, so I've given up on them for the most part.
Ri-Ra's Irish Pub re-opened downtown, so at least I have that to share with my family and friends, along with the symphony concerts I look forward to. 8)
I have many other things going on at the moment: applying for Graduate school, tutoring at the Abbey and other daily activities, so time is short. But I thought I would comment on a few things in the news recently.
Conan will be back. In November! I'm grateful to George Lopez.
Gracias, Senor Lopez. :)
Can someone explain this to me, please? I, for one, do not agree with the Vatican on this. I also have a tendency to overlook the Beatles' drug use in their later years, mostly because I like focusing on the positives. But I have never totally dismissed it. Once you get into the post-Sgt. Pepper phase, a lot of their music is lost on me.
Polythene Pam? No, I haven't seen her, thankfully. I mean, have you ever *really* listened to Revolution Number 9...number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9....
It sounds worse backwards...
Yeah, yeah, I know it's
L'Osservatore Romano, but if it is truly a supposed mouthpiece for the Vatican, it should
accurately reflect the beliefs and cultural/political leanings of Pope Benedict and the general tone of morality set by those around him. Maybe I'm getting too entangled, but the bottom line is that I feel uncomfortable with the Vatican commenting on cultural matters or approving of secular music. Period.
And so, that's the update. I have a busy week ahead! Expect lots of random findings, commentary and lovely pictures to perk up the weeks ahead. Cheerio!